Sector Programme for Wastewater Management in Tacna, Peru

Sector Programme for Wastewater Management in Tacna, Peru

To increase the access of the population of Tacna to sanitation services and coverage in adequate and sustainable wastewater treatment, the new Magollo WWTP and the extension of the sewage system are being carried out. Fichtner is responsible for the detailed design, the preparation of the technical dossier, the review and validation of the pre-investment, environmental and social studies, as well as the tendering. In addition, an institutional restructuring plan for EPS Tacna, a financial analysis, and the concept for the reuse of treated water are developed, as well as the development and implementation of a concept for the reuse and/or disposal of fecal sludge.

Our services

  • Tariff study
  • Topographical survey and hydraulic investigations
  • Official approval procedures
  • Tender documents and tendering process
  • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning and technical assistance
  • Training
  • Health education and awareness building

Technical data

  • Sewage network: 26.37 km of sewer lines, trunk mains and transmission main to the treatment plant
  • New Magollo treatment plant: mechanical pre-treatment, 10 modular UASB reactors with a capacity of 26,330 m³, facultative ponds, disinfection system, faecal sludge drying beds
  • Target population (2042): 436,655 / design discharge: 960 l/s / organic load (BOD5): 33,000 kg/d
  • Reuse of 100% of the treated sewage effluent for agricultural irrigation (2,648 ha)


Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento (MVCS); Programa Nacional de Saneamiento Urbano (PNSU), Lima, Peru