Basic and detail design with procurement management for the Cuajone mine main water pipeline, Peru

Basic and detail design with procurement management for the Cuajone mine main water pipeline, Peru

Southern Peru conducts copper mining operations in the Moquegua region of southern Peru. Water for processing copper discharges through a 53 km pipeline in operation for over 40 years, which regularly faces stoppages due to problems along the line. Fichtner develops the basic and detailed engineering for the construction of a new line parallel to the existing one without interrupting current operation. In addition, Fichtner is responsible for procurement management for the main equipment.

Our services

  • Conceptual design
  • Preliminary structural design
  • Equipment selection
  • Topography and geological study
  • Cost estimation
  • Risk management study
  • Basic and detail design
  • Procurement

Technical data

  • Pipeline length: 53 km
  • Pipe diameter: 34”
  • Flow: 1.5 m3/s
  • Pipe materials: steel/fiberglass


Southern Peru Copper Corporation Sucursal del Peru, Lima, Peru